2012年10月14日 星期日
2012年10月12日 星期五
[小說]Neil Gaiman新作The Ocean at the End of the Lane的上市時間
It began for our narrator forty years ago, when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed.
His only defense are three women on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang.
It began for our narrator forty years ago, when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed.
His only defense are three women on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang.
2012年4月24日 星期二
[桌遊]BGG送遊戲-Eagle & Gryphon Games Kickstarter
這次要送出的有Richard Launius的Defenders of the Realm: Battlefields跟Solitaire for Two。說真的這次活動最大的收穫是知道這兩款跟Fleet是同一家公司出的。
2012年4月17日 星期二
Orge是名遊戲設計師Steve Jackson第一個創作的戰棋遊戲,最早出版於1977年。4/11開始在KS上徵求贊助它的第六版,第一天就突破它們的預設目標20,000,短短幾天已經打破了D-Day Dice創的紀錄$171,805,成為到目前為止KS上桌遊類型的最多贊助金額遊戲,到5/12贊助截止日還有24天!(第三名是Agents of SMERSH,$101,507)。
- 世界樹(Yggdrasil)桌遊移植到iPad上,將在五月發行。預定售價$5.99。
- 割喉冒險隊(Cutthroat Caverns)也將在iPad上發行,這裡是製作小組在BGG上發起的討論。
- Mother Lode(改編自 Survive: Escape from Atlantis!,亞特蘭提斯逃亡 )原價$0.99,現在出了免費的體驗版(只能一玩家vs一電腦)。
2012年4月16日 星期一
[桌遊]BGG送遊戲-Ares Games "WW2 Wings of Glory"
上週抽的是Z-Man Games的全套"Pocket Battles",本週是Ares Games "WW2 Wings of Glory",截止時間是美國時間4/22週日。
上週抽的是Z-Man Games的全套"Pocket Battles",本週是Ares Games "WW2 Wings of Glory",截止時間是美國時間4/22週日。
[桌遊]Eclipse、Mage Knight Board Game二刷消息
Mage Knight Board Game將在4/18舖貨,二刷的改變包括更正了原本卡牌跟規則書裡的錯誤,規則書某些部分還重新寫過(例如walkthrough):
- Fixed typos
- Adjusted Rulebook layout
- Added content list to Rulebook
- Rewritten Rulebook introduction to even more clearly explain the purpouse of Rulebook and Walkthrough
- Reworded rules which allowed ambiguous interpretations or were further explained in BGG official FAQ thread
- And lastly now all the rules are included in Rulebook
- updated rulebook
- corrected orange Storage Markers
- corrected Starbase tiles (ie. four blue and four green instead of eight green)
- Fixed typos
- Adjusted Rulebook layout
- Added content list to Rulebook
- Rewritten Rulebook introduction to even more clearly explain the purpouse of Rulebook and Walkthrough
- Reworded rules which allowed ambiguous interpretations or were further explained in BGG official FAQ thread
- And lastly now all the rules are included in Rulebook
- updated rulebook
- corrected orange Storage Markers
- corrected Starbase tiles (ie. four blue and four green instead of eight green)
2012年4月15日 星期日
[桌遊]Descent 2版的第一個Preview發表
預計在今年(2012)夏天出版的Descent 2版終於發表他們的第一個Preview。新版的內容物有:
This updated version of the classic board game of dungeon-delving adventure features a host of enhancements, including new heroes and monsters, accessible rules, a class-based hero system, campaign play, and much more. In addition to its nearly 50 detailed plastic figures, 48 map tiles, nine custom dice, and much more, Second Edition offers a comprehensive Quest Guide with 37 original maps.另外提到一些有趣的地方:
To keep campaign play interesting and varied, players will not always experience the same quests, or experience them in the same order, when playing through The Shadow Rune (the included campaign) multiple times. In fact, there is a well developed narrative driving the campaign that can branch off in different directions. Depending on whether the heroes or the overlord win certain quests, the players can actually influence how the overarching plot plays out. This brings a sense of light roleplaying to Second Edition, while giving players a feeling of ownership over their heroes’ fates.
整體而言,第二版包含前作所有擴展的遊戲架構,留了優點,去了缺點,卻裝在一個核心裝中。現在可以放的說,沒時間開D&D,真的可以開Descent 2nd Edition補償。期待完成版的出現。
[桌遊]殭屍商場續作-City of Horror八月登場
絕版多時的嘴砲作品殭屍商場(Mall of Horror,又叫恐怖商場),將在八月由Asmodee推出續作City of Horror。
[桌遊]經典遊戲Magic Realm、Merchant of Venus重出江湖?
來自BGG的新聞,都跟Stronghold Games這家公司有關。一則說Merchant of Venus從Stronghold轉移到Wizard of the Coast(跟FFG有合作協定),這意味著FFG終於可以出新版的Merchant of Venus嗎?
另一則說2011年底Stronghold申請了Magic Realm的商標,而最近商標狀態成為published for opposition(意思是30天內若無人反對,此商標就是Stronghold的),所以新版Magic Realm的出版日近了?
另一則說2011年底Stronghold申請了Magic Realm的商標,而最近商標狀態成為published for opposition(意思是30天內若無人反對,此商標就是Stronghold的),所以新版Magic Realm的出版日近了?
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